Germinating tomatoes, hide and seek and six years of wedlock

31 03 2012

1. With my ingenious cling film propagation system, most of the tomato seeds have germinated.  I prick them out into larger pots.  

2. On the walk back from the shop Doris insists we play hide and seek.  There aren’t many places to hide so we resort to hiding behind lamposts and wheelie bins.  The couple behind us find it most amusing.

3. An anniversary bottle of champagne to celebrate six years of marriage.

Heady scent, funny faces and school girl to be

30 03 2012

1. The fresh scent of blossom on the walk home after dropping Doris off at nursery.

2. The babies look so funny when they pop up from their weekly submersion.  It’s quite unlike any expression we’ve seen before and the Mums can’t help but laugh.

3. It’s primary school allocation day and Doris has got into our nearest – St Johns. Happy days.

Self-weaner, tea in the park and EYFS book

29 03 2012

1. Isla seems to be pretty much weaning herself – she grabs the spoon off me, wealding it with dexterity and also helps herself to finger foods, allowing me a hand free to drink my cup of tea.

2. We have a picnic tea in the park with Gemma, Matthew and Freddie and see other friends while we are there.  It could easily be July and I can’t quite believe it’s still March.

3. Doris brings her Foundation Stage record home from pre-school and it’s lovely to look through the photos and notes and see what’s she’s been up to for the past six months.

Washer girl, barefoot and cider

28 03 2012

1. Doris stands at the top of her slide and helps me peg out the washing.  OK so she gets a bit distracted halfway through and only manages two of Isla’s vests and a muslin, but it’s a start…

2. At the park, I kick off my sandals and feel the cool, soft sand beneath my feet.

3. A chilled glass of Swedish cider.

Garden snap, swings and calm pool

27 03 2012

1. Lunch in the garden. Doris and I play snap afterwards with her Peppa Pig cards.

2. Isla has her first go on the swings.  She seems a little uncertain at first but looks across to Doris for reassurance.  Doris is sitting there to show her how it’s done.

3. The swimming pool is much calmer tonight and, for the last few lengths, I am the only swimmer in the lane.

Staffroom hello, station saviour and sunny walk home

26 03 2012

1. I take Isla into school to say hello.  She sits very incongruously but very happily on the staffroom floor and looks at everyone with great interest.

2. The guard on the incoming train spots me bumping the buggy down the footbridge stairs at Hildenborough station, leaps off the train, helps me with the buggy and then holds the train until I get on.

3. The four of us walk home in the sunshine after picking Doris up from nursery.

Alfresco breakkie, bargain togs and happy homecoming

25 03 2012

1. Eggs royale on the terrace at Browns.

2. Finding a couple of bargain dresses in the Next sale in the Bull Ring.

3. The smiles on Doris and Isla’s (and Mat’s!) faces when I walk through the door.

Trundling away, prosecco and back to the nineties

24 03 2012

1. The sound of my wheelie case trundling down the street as I head off for the Donny girls’ night away.

2. The crisp taste of that first glass of prosecco.

3. We have 11 children between us now and only meet up once or twice a year but, whenever we meet, the conversation flows easily, the laughter comes often and we could almost be back on the sofas in the Hall Cross common room or chatting in the break at Beechfield Youth Orchestra.

Spring planting, soup and wedding surprise

23 03 2012

1. It’s a beautiful sunny day.  I plant out a weigela and a rose bush, scattering the last of Mum’s ashes underneath and a few on my sweet peas.  She loved this time of year and I hope the plants will grow well so we can enjoy them for many years to come.

2. Isla hungrily guzzles the curried parsnip soup I made.

3. We take a train into London for a family gathering ahead of Mike and Jo’s wedding.  It turns out the family gathering IS the wedding – surprise! – and we are shepherded into Chelsea Register Office followed by the Bluebird restaurant.  Congratulations Mike and Jo, such a lovely day.

Prepped allotments, Doris goes nuts and bonus credit

22 03 2012

1. Isla and I take a turn through the park after pre-school drop-off.  The allotments are looking very neat and tidy and just waiting for things to start growing in them.

2. Doris goes nuts in the garden centre, racing up and down the aisles and then making the automatic doors open and close, open and close, open and close. Isla looks on with a fixed stare.

3. There is more credit in the PayPal account than we thought.